There's always been hesitation on my part to define what love is. For love is limitless. I was once been asked "why do you love me or why do you like me?" The answer would sometimes be... Because you're beautiful or because you're gentle and kind. So what happens then when the person we love gets old and his beauty fades or loss the gentleness and somehow became less kind. Do we abandon them, do we fall out of love. When I love someone I get to love the person as a person. Beauty fades, demeanor change but the person remains and so the love must remain as well. That is true love. Never expecting, never assuming, never selfish. Perhaps love is the process of me leading you back to yourself. For the only way you can love back is if you love yourself first. A person who loves needs to be whole and not just a totality of pieces. He needs to overcome his own fear of getting hurt and sharing himself with someone. Then he becomes free, then he can love.
Hi Gab...first time i follow ur twitter then found this amazing blog. U guys so awesome, simplicity words...deeply meaning. If u have line or whts app may i invite u? Line : Herie Kusnanto ¦ twitter : @herikoes. Stand up for urself!