Wednesday, July 31, 2013

My Hope

I had given a lot of thought what I liked about you
I did it today and yesterday too
I hope in the future whether good or bad
I promise I'll try not to make you sad.

I really do love you for everything that you are
I hope if we have a relationship it would really go far
One day you'll know how much I really care
I want to spend my life with you so would you let me share.


Tuesday, July 30, 2013


If you are going to start helping people, you're going to have to start doing the following things. First, you've got to stop imposing yourself on others, and your value systems upon them, you've got to be real and you've got to learn to listen. There are all kinds of symbols. Verbal language is only one. Sometimes by opening our mouths, we make dreadful errors. It's often so much nicer just to look at somebody and vibrate. I'm determined that one of these days I'm going to free myself of all responsibility and study human vibrations because I'm sure they exist even as much as the vibrations that are sending this sound to you. When we find that secret, we may find some means of communication that is a little more adequate than words. I think that listening is tremendously important, and yet we abhor and are frightened of silence. The most beautiful things could go on if we were silent.  You've got to be real. Don't be a phony. Come on as yourself. The hardest thing in the world is to be someone you're not. As you get closer and closer and closer to what you are, be that and come on all the time that way. You'll find it's an easy way to live. The easiest thing to be in the world is you. The most difficult thing to be is what other people want you to be. Don't let them put you in that position. Find who you are and come on as you are. Then you can live simply. You won't be playing games any more. Just clear them all away and say, "Here's me and take me for what I am with all my frailties, all my stupidity and if you can't, leave me alone". Another thing, don't order anyone to do anything. You're not God. You don't know what is in someone else's head. You can guide but you can't order. And try to communicate, try to understand. Finally remember that you are a team. You're dealings with people are only going to be as successful as you are together. You're going to want to plan together what you're going to do because there are greater resources and strength in many than there are in one.

Saturday, July 27, 2013


Saying I love you to someone is probably the greatest thing a person can say and do in his life provided we remain true to the meaning of the word love. When it comes to romantic love there is always a risk of saying it, when the two person already in love with each other finally say those three words the answer can be very fulfilling. To be loved back by the object of your affection is rapture. But there are those who like most of us do love someone who's not yet in love with us. So we wait and wonder when will the time come. And most often than not we remain silent about how we feel because we're afraid of getting hurt, afraid of not hearing what we want to hear. So we drown on our own sorrow of not being able to experience a loving relationship. And there are those who choose to remain true to what the real meaning of loving someone, unafraid of getting hurt, unafraid of falling first. Because true love waits and understand. The person who truly loves is never selfish, he thinks of his love before himself, he can take pain in silence and persevere in the distance just so he can hold the person he love lightly. I myself experienced these kinds of love. I experienced being loved back, and love someone back. And loving without being love in return. But I also experienced not loving someone at all, yes I may have avoided pain temporarily but I can't survive not loving... The key is to love someone who is worthy of that love.

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